Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Bone Spur and LLLT
Monday, 9 February 2009
A great way to start the day! Pear smoothie extraordinaire.
For me, smoothies started when I was handed a weight loss system/product from Australia, based on whey protein. Over three months I lost 2 stone (46lbs), safely and easily, with carbohydrate restriction, nutrition and exercise. The important thing was I was never hungry, and I did not have to restrict fats, except the harmful ones. Olive oil, butter and coconut oil were 'good'. The weight stayed off for the next three years, and when it started to creep up during a busy period one winter, I turned to 'The Fat Flush Plan'. Here the art of smoothie making could really take off, with a bit of help from 'The Coconut Diet'.
So this is what evolved for me over time, and I make it now nearly every morning. Sometimes I put out the hand held liquidiser the night before, and some of the other ingredients, if I have to hang around the kitchen last thing whilst the cat is drinking from the running tap! I put one scoop of whey protein in the mixing container, with some maca powder (for endurance and mental clarity), and, very important for chocoholics, one teaspoon of organic and fair trade cocoa powder. This is the base. To this I add a small handfull of ground up hemp seeds, coco nibs (antioxidant) and coconut flakes. If I have time I add cardamon seed from crushed pods to the grinder. Then if its winter I add a scoop BioCare's microcelled Cod Liver Oil for vitamin D, not tasting of fish, by the way, and some warming ginger grated. Then I gently melt a nob of virgin coconut oil and add that together with a tablespoon of cold pressed hemp oil. Finally I add one cut up fresh pear, and liquidise the whole lot with a bit of water or almond milk. Yum. It seems to have cured me of a craving for chocolate in its more sugary form.
If you loathe cocoa powder and chocolate, or you want to ring the changes, use some frozen organic raspberries or blueberries from the health food shop, with or without the pear. Pears gives smoothies a lovely consistency, and are great for the lungs, so my Chinese acupuncturist tells me.
This smoothie often keeps me from hunger all morning, but if I do get hungry before lunch I sometimes have a midmorning snack of a boiled egg.
WHEY PROTEIN: Its expensive here, and not always of good quality. Avoid cheap ones from the body building industry. When I can I get friends to carry it over from the US. There you can get it from cows not treated wtih growth hormone, which are grass fed. Whey supports muscle development, and repair whilst absorbing and retaining nitrogen, and provides antioxidant protection. Find a brand with low temperature processing. Email me if you want further guidance on what to buy. THE MAIN THING IS AVOID SOY PROTEIN AT ALL COSTS. SEE A LATER BLOG ON THIS HUGE 'HEALTH' CON THAT WE SEEM TO HAVE SWALLOWED HOOK, LINE AND SINKER. AT LEAST HERE IN THE UK. THE US HAS ALREADY MOVED ON. Do not believe them when they say those against soya are only the mouthpieces of the dairy industry. See Sally Fallon of the Weston Price Foundation: she espouses raw milk and fermented foods, coconut oil, and NO Soya which is unfermented. At least with whey protein those needing to avoid lactose can usually tolerate it.
Happy breakfasts, and any smoothie variations to share do feel free to do so. Oh, and I forgot to say, the labour of love in making the smoothie is no chore for me when listening to the radio at the same time!
Finally, something I forget to do (!) is to shine my low level laser over the water before drinking or adding to the smoothie. If you want to find out more about alkaline water see: or go to for information about Plocher water.
I'd love to get a response from those of you who do add photons to water by using their cold laser. Let us know how you notice the difference.
Gill Jacobs
Implant saved and bone calcification increased with LLLT
Email me for a photo of 3 x-rays of a 3 year old implant on a patient of Philip D. Horning, DDS. (Am still trying to upload them here!) The implant was done by another specialist, and the patient had been on Phosamax for some time because of the pain from the implant. At the time the first x-ray was taken (12-7-06) this dentist informed the patient she should consider removing the implant. There was tenderness, swelling, and as the slides show radiographic evidence of bone-loss. The patient was told there was a possibility of saving it using low level laser if she could commit to 2 treatments per week for 2 months.
The patient complied and the swelling rapidly went away. At about 1 month radiographic evidence showed that bone was filling in. At 2 months an x-ray dated 2-26-07 revealed even more bone calcification. Treatment was done with a combination of the 808 and the 660 probes. Dr Horning uses the Q1000, 660, and 808 many times a day in his practice and told Dr Lytle that he is continually amazed by its ability to reduce pain and shorten healing time. It has become an integral part of his practice.
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Why is there such a disparity between the US and the UK in the use of LLLT?

Did you know 30,000 practitioners use Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) in the United States, many of them chiropractors? By contrast there are around 140 Low Level Laser units in National Health Service departments, here in the UK, mostly Physiotherapy Departments. Most LLLT machines are gathering dust for lack of consistent servicing, and enthusiasm to deliver. Even if physiotherapists use LLLT, there is a limit to HOW it is used, because physiotherapists don't see wounds, burns or the myriad of other health issues that LLLT can help, outside their boundaries of expertise. LLLT training for physios is only delivered at Master level. Other practitioners outside the NHS, here in the UK, are few and far between: chiropodists and podiatrists, a scattering of osteopaths and chiropractors, and a handful of Scenar therapists.
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Wounds and Low Level Laser Therapy
Mode 3 has some antibacterial frequencies and should help, but remember the Q1000 laser does not kill bacteria – it flushes them into the blood stream where the immune system takes care of them, but if there is not ample circulation, that won’t happen. Always start with Mode 1 of the Q1000 on the Proprioceptive points (jaw, near ear and under ear, lymphatics on chest, shoulder blade, trouser pocket on buttock and in the groin) before using over the wound, to increase circulation. Peeling of the skin is common around an infection. Increased circulation will reduce this.
WHEN THE WOUND GETS PINK AT THE EDGES BACK OFF AND ONLY LASER 1 OR 2 times a week. This is a good sign that healing is taking place, with granulation in the bone and tissue, and this is when you reduce treatment. This should take about 12 days to happen, but everyone is different.
Too much lasering on an open wound such as this could push the healing over the top and down the other side of the Bell Curve.
Once the wound is scabbed over reduce to once a week.
Try to be on a good balanced supplement program. High strength enzymes, such as Serrapeptase are excellent in combination with the laser. Go to to order and get further information. It will deal with the debris from the broken up scar tissue, and will help with pain. They need to be taken away from food.
Gill Jacobs, Light for Health Ltd
I first tried the Q1000 when my wife tripped and fell, breaking her radius. It was at a trade health show, and I was able to rent a Q1000 a few minutes after the accident. She had six hours in Accident and Emergency. The pain was intense, but the Q1000, with the infrared probe, seemed to stop it, so much so she didn’t use painkillers after two days. Whilst I was using it on her, I tried it out on my patients.
I find the Q1000 gets rid of pain quicker. It speeds the healing process. If I do a manipulation, the pain is often the same just afterwards, but if I use the Q1000 they feel less pain. The quicker something heals, the less likely it is to recur. If someone feels an 8/10 pain, it will come down to 3/10 with the laser.
Some patients use their own intuition about how long to use the laser on each position on the body. One woman sometimes tells me that 3 seconds is enough! For back pain I use the laser between the vertebrae on the lumber spine to work in the disk and the facet joint. Its excellent for inflammation.
I had one patient with really bad tooth pain after an extraction. I used the 660 probe on her empty socket and the surrounding gum, and the dentist could not believe how little bruising there was when he saw her afterwards.
I’ve also had success with shingles. Fortunately this patient had her own laser, a Q10, but she was put off using it on her daughter by her doctor. He said it wouldn’t help! So I saw the daughter, and showed her how to place it over the spots. At first each time the pain increased, but then it was quickly followed by a relief from pain, something which nothing else had done. With regular treatment with the laser at home, this woman was able to return to work after just two and a half weeks.
My wife is a chiropodist, and physical therapist. She had stopped working, but now she is considering coming back to work with me in the clinic, just to use the laser on patients after they have seen me. Her own experience has had quite an effect on her, so much so she is enthusiastic to share it with others. I certainly would not be without it now. It really makes a difference. I have many other ‘toys’ – ultrasound, a short wave machine and a scenar, for example, but it’s the Q1000 that I use the most.
Trapeze Accident
Three months after the accident she had the following symptoms:
• Compression fracture of the tibia (at ankle joint, very sore to touch or walk)
• Large haematoma on shin (large amount of swelling and still painful)
• Nerve damage to the peroneal nerve on the outside of the leg (loss of sensation to
skin,tingling,pins and needles, loss of muscle movement particularly in feet, cold
sensation down lower leg, shooting pains through leg)
• Muscle damage and loss: weak and movement loss in the quads, calf, shin, foot, toes.
• Not fully weight-baring
Hannah used the Q1000 and the Infrared 808 nm probe for two weeks, having failed to get effective help from the National Health Service, and sports injury specialists. In that time she reduced her pain levels from 10 to 3, on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest.
After stopping the Q1000 her pain returned to 10.