Saturday, 27 June 2009

Seeing is Believing

Believing in something ahead of the mainstream can lead to a feeling of isolation, whilst others behind take time to catch up. What I 'know' based now on experience, and backed up by scientific research on light, and initially prompted by an intuitive recognition that this was profound, is not usually enough to shift others out of their comfort zone, or contrary beliefs. Curbing my enthusiasm, backing off, keeping quiet, is sometimes necessary whilst others 'catch up'. Its taken me some time to really get this!

Here's a nice story to illustrate this process. Some close friends of my daughter's, who run a meditation centre, were vaguely aware of my interest in light, but had no need to think about it one way or another. Some years later, when they asked my advice on what to do about their young son's health problem, I suggested treatment using LLLT. This was not taken up, and that was fine. There were plenty of other options available, and they lived in another country.

Then two months later I had an excited phone call with the following story. One of them had been in a garage in London, negotiating a purchase, and noticed an article on the wall about light. The strange thing was the photograph in the article looked very like the friend he was staying with in London! When he looked closer he saw that the article was about my company. Moreover, the garage owner came to life when talking about light, saying it had taken away his shoulder pain, and displaying the article was his way of telling the world. My daughter's friend's son had shoulder pain. That night he mentioned to his host that the photo looked like him, still not quite believing the coincidence, and yes, indeed, it was! The model in the article was our now mutual friend, though at the time the photograph was taken they had not known each other. Suddenly, the health benefits of light took on a new and validated meaning. My daughter's friends were now receptive to the potential of light in a way that had not been possible beforehand.

Light and Shade: Mendocino, N. California and Maui Sunset

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Lymes Disease

The power of blogs to make the world smaller! I was emailed a month ago by a reader in Wyoming. Until then I had no idea that ANYONE was out there! Because i had had difficulty posting some photographs of teeth implants and bone re-growth after LLLT, Martha had emailed me to get me to email them to her. Recovering from Lymes Disease, she now lives in cattle ranch country, 13 miles from her mailbox. This is so far from my life here in London, where the Post Office is five minutes walk away! If you are reading this Martha, send me a photo of your mail box and I'll publish it in my next posting. And give us some feedback on what you are achieving with light with your new Q1000.

I have one other person with Lymes disease who I am working with. Tllly is in her late twenties now, and was first bitten by a tick, between the toes, when she was 16. She has the misfortune of getting this problem in England where it remains largely unrecognised, or at least hit and miss when it comes to diagnosis. Tllly was told that if there was no red ring around her bite then she did not have Lymes disease.

In Norway, Sweden, Eastern Europe and the USA they test every year, as well as horses.

When Tilly subsequently developed meningitis she nearly died. As a student she had planned to take the year out, hoping to regain her health, when she became severely ill and disabled and was taken into hospital. She had profound weakness, such that she could not walk to the bathroom, severe vertigo, intense pain in her left hand rib area, which may have been her spleen, and pain in the ribcage generally, pain in her head, legs, arms, and gut, with a rash on her right arm. In desperation to help her daughter, her mother sold their house and rented another house with an indoor swimming pool, because this was the only exercise Tilly could tolerate. Her mother also flew over the main American medical expert in Lymes who diagnosed her as having one of the worst cases he had ever seen. An English consultant charged them £400 to tell them that the American test results were wrong, and were purely motivated by money! Finally she was helped by a Potash mining engineer from South Tyneside, who had Lymes disease all his life, and had passed it on to his daughter. He had reversed the illness in both himself and her by building a Rife machine and self treating. He travelled down to South West England once a month to treat Tllly, before he was tragically killed in a mining accident.

After treatment Tilly's pores gave out a strong smell of ammonia and mercury. She had to shower repeatedly, and swim, to get rid of the smell.

Tllly and her family bought their first Q1000 low level laser in October 2008. When she placed the light on the left side of her face she felt pins and needles throughout her body, and with the Q1000 over her ribs and ovaries she experienced a soothing, gentle energy. 'Usually I am very cautious about new things because I react so strongly. But I kept wanting the light. I didn't want to let it go!'

Since this time Tllly attributes her ongoing recovery to multi-factorial inputs.

Apart from the laser she has been greatly helped by homoeopathy - she feels it has contributed to her being able to read again, and helped to control coxsackie B virus. She can now walk but not unaided, and her leg muscles are still seriously weak. She is more clear than foggy now, and is putting on a bit of weight. She can now travel for up to two hours on a car journey. She still cannot use a computer, but is able to use an iPhone to email and text. It does not cause a reaction when she tapes onto it a tourmaline crystal. Worryingly she is still coughing up blood, and feels this indicates a capilliary weakness.

Being able to talk on the phone to Tilly is very new. Usually her body heats up when she is on the phone, and it is too uncomfortable, but now she can go for some time before that happens. So today, in discussing Dr Nick Wise's approach with CLRT, with the cranium and light, Tilly told me that in fact it was not a matter of finding the 'sore spots'. ALL OF HER HEAD HURTS! So the question is WHERE DOES SHE START? This is a question I will be putting to Dr Wise when I next speak to him.

Keep us informed, Tilly. We'll be watching your progress over the next months!