I was chatting to Doug Phillips in the USA on Skype today, and we were agreeing that the vaccination for Swine Flu did not appeal to either of us. Doug is a former assistant to Dr Lytle, and handled many queries and aftercare calls from Q1000 owners. His advice is to boost the immune system with low level laser by using it over the colon. The colon is the seat of the immune system, because it is there that the white blood cells are made in the gut associated lymphoid tissues (GALT). So just use the laser on the ascending, transverse and descending colon as well as around the navel. It makes sense to give it a go, and give the colon a boost as well! Having allowed flu to develop last January, really taking a hold in my lungs, I want to do everything I can this time round to prevent it. Let me know how you get on! Remember, the Q10 would be a great little tool for this, and I have some in stock so do get in touch. It could be used for the whole family, too.
While we are on the subject of the colon, I know a colonic irrigation therapist here in London who now uses LLLT over the colon, with a similar laser to the Q1000. She is finding that she is managing to achieve in two sessions, what would normally take in six. Despite the fact that she is losing out financially, she is delighted and intrigued with this 'shift'. Lets hope the word gets round, and more and more clients beat their way to her door to benefit from light and its gentle application in helping the colon to cleanse and renew.