Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Swine Flu

                                        Doug Phillips, Low Level Laser Consultant USA
I was chatting to Doug Phillips in the USA on Skype today, and we were agreeing that the vaccination for Swine Flu did not appeal to either of us. Doug is a former assistant to Dr Lytle, and handled many queries and aftercare calls from Q1000 owners. His advice is to boost the immune system with low level laser by using it over the colon. The colon is the seat of the immune system, because it is there that the white blood cells are made in the gut associated lymphoid tissues (GALT). So just use the laser on the ascending, transverse and descending colon as well as around the navel. It makes sense to give it a go, and give the colon a boost as well! Having allowed flu to develop last January, really taking a hold in my lungs, I want to do everything I can this time round to prevent it. Let me know how you get on! Remember, the Q10 would be a great little tool for this, and I have some in stock so do get in touch. It could be used for the whole family, too.

While we are on the subject of the colon, I know a colonic irrigation therapist here in London who now uses LLLT over the colon, with a similar laser to the Q1000. She is finding that she is managing to achieve in two sessions, what would normally take in six. Despite the fact that she is losing out financially, she is delighted and intrigued with this 'shift'. Lets hope the word gets round, and more and more clients beat their way to her door to benefit from light and its gentle application in helping the colon to cleanse and renew.

Friday, 17 July 2009

Postings from Christine Carroll, LLLT and CLRT therapist

LLLT on chronic arthritis and the side effects of medication
Mrs C, aged 87, has chronic arthritis in her shoulders, hands, hips, knees and ankles. When I first started to treat her almost 12 months ago she was suffering from oedema in her legs and ankles, breathlessness, abdominal pains, acid reflux, constipation, numbness in her fingers and feet, carpal tunnel syndrome, mild depression and pernicious anaemia. Many of her ailments were a result of side effects from her drug regime.
Low level laser treatment administered on a regular basis has resulted in a very significant reduction in oedema, all feeling returned to her feet, no abdominal pain or acid reflux, improved mobility, reduced pain, no constipation and generally a great improvement in her mental state and her quality of life. She has ceased many of her many of her medications including statins, Losartan for HBP and breathlessness, steroidal inhalers, anti-emetic meds, omeprazole and allupurinol for gout. Her weight has also reduced by over 30lbs, much of which is attributable to the reduction in water retention.

CLRT and chronic arthritis in the shoulder
Mrs C, aged 87, a chronic arthritis sufferer was unable to raise her arm sufficiently to wash her neck, behind her ears or to brush her hair. Applying CLRT to the arm and shoulder cranial reflex points resulted in a significant improvement in ROM and she can now carry out her ablutions without the pain and restriction.

CLRT and frozen shoulder
Mr P, aged 38 suffered from frozen shoulder, a RSI from many years as a window cleaner. He was reliant on NSAIDs and pain killers to get through the working day. Applying CLRT for 20 seconds to the arm and shoulder points resulted in a very significant improvement in ROM. Followed by direct application of low level laser for 3 treatments he has no pain and no restriction in movement.

CLRT and ‘dead leg’
Miss Mc, aged 50, presented with dead leg. After CLRT applied to the tensor fascia lata reflex point she noticed that the majority of feeling had returned.

CLRT to uncover the real source of pain
Mrs H, aged 60, had been treated by her GP for pain related to shingles for over 18 months. The pain was so intense she could only take short shallow breaths. Using the CLRT points for the abdomen it was possible to relieve the tension in those muscles and isolate the specific pain points, which happened to be emanating from her right kidney. This was then treated with low level laser treatment to reduce the pain and inflammation and to begin the healing process. Mrs X was so relieved to be able to breathe freely that she actually laughed. Something she had been unable to do for quite some time.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Lymphatics and the jaw

I had a a root canal and apical surgery a year ago, and it was still painful after a year, until I started using LLLT and the Q1000. After using the Q1000 for several days on and under my jaw (for lymphatic drainage) and on the cheek over the problem tooth (to heal the dental ligament and restore the nerve) I visited my friend. This the same friend who has metal parts in her spine and arthritis in her hands, and I would like her to get interested in LLLT for her sake. After I mentioned that I had been using the laser, without telling her any details, she looked at me and immediately said that my face looks good and the swelling under my jaw was gone. The swelling she was referring to was around the area of lymph drainage under the mandible, and it used to give my face an older, squared-off look. In case that anecdote is useful for your blog, there it is. Most people are motivated by vanity as much as, if not more than, by underlying health concerns (even if they won’t admit it!) Of course I am undeniably pleased that this laser is improving how I look! Martha, Wyoming.

Monday, 13 July 2009

How does CLRT work?

Its great to get all these positive testimonials but how does light on the head affect somewhere else in the body so profoundly? Dr Wise puts it really well in his manual and I summarise it here, and in an article I have written for the August issue of Positive Health.

Taking the example of an acute ankle sprain, Dr Wise discovered that a soft tissue problem causes the anterior leg muscle cranial reflex to "blow out" like a fuse. Over time, this injury should heal properly, but if the reflex is still active, then it takes longer to heal and has a much higher chance of becoming a chronically unstable ankle, prone to more twisting. Correcting the ankle cranial reflex as soon as possible causes an immediate reduction in pain and a massive speeding up of the healing process.

Light and the DNA
But how does light work, as opposed to just pressing the cranial reflex points, which can also help. Some of the best research on light comes from Fritz-Albert Popp at the Institute of Biophysics, in Germany. In a nutshell, electrical and chemical interactions are far too slow to account for the speed of information flow in the human body. A cellular communication system based on light delivers the tremendous amount of processing power and flexibility needed to run such a complex system. Our information biofield, our biohologram, is projected by our DNA molecules as they change shape. The springy DNA coil winds or unwinds due to signals from the environment (see Bruce Lipton PhD), and this conformational change squeezes out single-photon "laser beams" which carry vibrationally encoded information easily decoded by the receiving cells.
These photons travel through the body's fiber-optic cables, which are made up of optically transparent microtubules, which collectively form the classical acupuncture meridian system. The information that the photons carry is vibrational, which the receiving cell Fourier transforms into relevant information.

So there you go. After all you can have light free on the National Health Service here in the UK in the form of Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT). Light and photosensitive drugs are used to target certain cancer cells (not all conditions are covered yet), and eliminate them with no loss of healthy cells. Only thing is not many people know about it, and PDT is the poor relation when it comes to funding, even though there is less damage done elsewhere in the body, and recovery times are quicker.

Right now I have rented out a Q10 to a patient of a Q1000 practitioner/osteopath, who is having radiotherapy for breast cancer. Her expectations are high, having seen her scar from breast removal eliminated after using the Q1000 Low Level Laser.
So far after a week of radiotherapy, and daily use of the cold laser, she has had no unpleasant side effects or pain.

If I had a stroke I would find a CLRT practitioner!

Hemiparetic Stroke
Mr S, aged 67, had a hemiparetic stroke a few years before consulting Dr Wise. His right leg dragged and his right arm was drawn up tight against his body, stuck because his biceps and wrist flexors were in ‘permanent’ spasm. The angle created by his elbow was about 45 degrees all the time, and the muscle pain was quite severe at times. An adjustment of C5 caused the arm to be 20% more relaxed. Then Dr Wise tried a cranial laser release on the right side of his forehead for about one minute. After about 30 seconds Mr S’s hand began to descend, as if someone was slowly pulling it down. He opened his eyes and could not believe what he saw. The first session brought his hand down to about 120 degrees. Further sessions improved the resting state to 145 degrees, and after each CLR treatment it extended to 170 degrees. Now the pain is gone and the muscles of his arm and hand are almost completely relaxed.

Cranial Laser Reflex Technique Teaching Seminar

I'm really excited at the prospect of hosting Dr Nicholas Wise, DC for a teaching seminar in CLRT in October. Now its just a question of reaching out to all those practitioners who would benefit from using this exciting new approach to muscle release and pain control. There are so many courses and seminars out there, they must get punch drunk from all the choice. But so far the response has been encouraging.

Its been great to get such positive feedback from two editors of health journals, CAM magazine and Positive Health

Go to Positive Health, August issue, to read an article I have written on CLRT:
For more information on the seminar on Saturday October 24th email me or go to

Monday, 6 July 2009


I recently had a car collision which left me with severe whiplash the next day. I was in pain and discomfort and was advised to take Ibroprofen by my doctor. I took two reluctantly, and that evening I decided to treat myself with the laser, hoping to speed up the healing process. I used the Q1000 on proprioceptive points 1-4 for 6-8 breaths as instructed in the manual. I then used the Infrared 808 nm Probe on the areas of pain on each point down the neck on the erector spinae muscles. I woke up the next morning totally free from pain and discomfort. I was amazed at the speed of healing and have been pain free ever since!

Samantha Pilbeam, Massage Therapist and Low Level Laser Therapist: