Wendy Boast. LLLT Therapist
Well, isn't life strange? You are bumbling along feeling that nothing is working, and then suddenly it shifts, and things start to move again! I have been in London all August, thinking how lovely it would be without the traffic, and the people, but actually its also energetically a bit dead. Or was until today.
First of all the bad stuff. Last week my laptop had a meltdown. OK, its an Apple, which I spilt water on in the early days, subjected to electricity surges in Turkey which were so bad the edge of the machine cut into my wrists, and I dropped it earlier this year when the cord caught in a door handle when I was on the move. So last week the screen died, and that would cost me around £600 to put right. Move on, they said, and buy a new one. Several trips to an Apple store later, I emerged with a solution, that involved a desk top and a new laptop. The Apple 'genius' in the store looked at me with complete reverence when I told him that I had been an Apple user since 1987. A misty look came over his eyes when he said 'Three years in!' That's when I wrote my first book. I know I could not have done it without it.
The awful thing was that I couldn't plug my external hard drive into my son's MacBook because he had one of the small batch that didn't have a Firewire port. I was in London in August, with all my Apple friends away, AND cut off from the world without easy access to email.
So now to the good news! Putting on a seminar and getting 'bums on seats' is a true labour of love, and even with faith, hugely stressful, in the beginning. The seminar is on October 24th. I'm very excited by it because I have already seen Dr Wise's presentation in Honolulu. I have to say its one of the best presentations I have seen on light, and the science behind it. Apart from that is wonderfully uplifting to see people's faces when they get demonstrated on by Dr Wise, and things shift in a matter of seconds.
Things shifted today when I got confirmation that an article written by a very independent and forward thinking osteopath, and the first CLRT user in the UK, John Taberman-Pichler, was accepted for publication in the September issue of Osteopathy Today! The article is on Cranial Laser Release Technique. At last a forum to talk to at least those who have a modicum of curiosity about light, even if those constrained by fear of being labelled 'outside the box' ignore it.
Then I ring Wendy Boast, a presenter on my other LLLT course in early October, and she tells me this story. As a Low Level Laser therapist who also uses CLRT, she had a client with neck and shoulder pain, who had been unsuccessfully treated by her osteopath over many visits. Wendy was able to give significant relief, and low and behold a few days later she had a call from the osteopath herself. It was not just a chat about light that she was interested in, it was also treatment for herself! So two days ago Wendy gave her CLRT on the cranium, and light directly on the problem, which her osteopathic colleagues had been unable to shift. Of course our hope is that she is curious enough to come to our course and to Dr Wise's. Lesson to learn? If you keep pushing too hard things may not shift. Take your attention away, in this case forced by computer deprivation, and what you are working to bring about can still happen in ways that you did not predict!
Course on Low Level Laser Therapy for practitioners interested in, or users of, low level lasers, with Dr Pamela Murphy, Dip Lic Ac, and Wendy Boast. See earlier August blog for further details.
Friday October 2nd, NW London, The Optimum Health Clinic, 10-5.30pm, £90 Earlybird by September 11th, £100 after that.
Course on Cranial Laser Reflex Technique (CLRT) The Hilton, Gatwick with Dr Nick Wise DC, and John Taberman-Pichler DO, Saturday 24th October, 9.30 - 5.30pm, £120 Earlybird before September 26th, plus free laser. See earlier blog posts or go to http://www.lightforhealth.co.uk/education/
Do both courses and get £40 off the first!