In the first bout of snow in January Sarah broke her leg, and dislocated her ankle, tobogganing. Nine days later I visited her with Dr Wise's frequency wand, attached to my iPhone. Apart from activating individual frequencies, and sweeps, for different muscles and organs, Dr Wise has put together 99 different tracks of frequencies that can be downloaded onto iTunes, and connected up to an iPhone. I clicked the compilation tracks for muscles of the leg and foot, lymph and relaxation. At this stage I decided not to use the 808 infrared probe, preferring to wait until the temporary plaster was removed the next day. Infrared will penetrate the plaster, unlike red light, so I can use it over the plaster to speed up healing.
The problem was we got diverted chatting before eating,
and she must have been holding the wand for about an hour,
on and off. After a while I thought to touch her toes sticking out of the plaster. They were red hot, on a cold evening in a not particularly warm room!
Sarah's friend, who was sceptical about the frequency wand, texted me the next day to say it had caused 'charring' on the visible part of her foot. He meant purple bruising, which is a good thing of course. Sarah told me that the next day when the temporary plaster was
removed at the hospital the bruising already showed signs of clearing up.
Lesson to learn: I did 'believe' in the sound system before this incident,
but now I believe in it even more! If you want to see it in action watch this
clip of Dr Wise using it on a stroke patient: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUjgcrl8ooc&feature=player_embedded
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